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Re: GNU Win32? Not anymore.

From: gordoni@cygnus.com (Gordon Irlam)
> I am not sure this would help though, because as I understand it
> you require any license be non-discriminatory, and you might still
> view this license as being discriminatory.

Yes, the Cygnus license as currently written would not pass our freee
software guidelines.

I think the best way to deal with this is to have some group of
volunteers continue to develop a source thread based on your beta 17.1 .
They can have the LGPL license and the burden of maintaining the software,
while Cygnus can go ahead with its later version and its special license.
We already have two current Debian developers who are interested in the
task, and I sent a message to gnu-win32@cygnus.com seeking additional


	Bruce Perens
	Debian Project Leader
Bruce Perens K6BP   bruce@pixar.com   510-215-3502
Finger bruce@master.debian.org for PGP public key.
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