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Re: Debian support for Ultra ATA controller cards

On Jul 3, Curtis L. Daugaard wrote
> I will confess I joined this list to try to find an answer to a question
> that I've been unable to gain any light on.
> I have been unable to find out whether drivers are available or under
> development for this new generation of IDE cards.  I have a Promise
> Ultra33 and Debian 1.3 will not recognize the drives on the card during
> installation.
> Can anyone provide information?
> Thanks.
> -- 
> C.L. Daugaard
> cdaugaard@judson-il.edu

It just so happins that I maintain the Linux IDE/ATAPI cdrom driver.  I 
chat with Mark Lord, "The Linux IDE guy", fairly often.  He has somebody 
looking into support for the new Ultra DMA/33 IDE stuff which is supported 
by the Intel TX and the VIA VP2 chipsets, among others.  If you just want
to drive a regular IDE or ATAPI device with one of these, you are just fine.
I, for instance, have a TX chipset motherboard running a couple of old IDE
drives.  To support the new Ultra DMA/33 stuff and get anything like the
claimed 33 MB/s, we need to add error handling for CRC transfer errors, 
and probably also need code to set the drive and chipset into Ultra mode.  
This stuff is in the making, but not done and ready for public consumption.
If you want more, ask Mark.  His email address is in the Linux maintainers 
list (right before my name [GRIN] ).


Erik B. Andersen   Web:    http://www.inconnect.com/~andersen/ 
                   email:  andersee@debian.org
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