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Re: CDE Emulators packaged?

On 3 Jul 1997, Erv Walter wrote:

> Is anyone currently packaging either of the CDE look-alikes?

When you say CDE do you mean all of CDE or just dtwm?

> I have experimented with both FvwmCDEmulator and XFCE.  The first
> looks almost exactly like the real CDE control panel

Horrendously ugly you mean? Something with the run-time configuration of
CDE but a better look would be nice. 

> Anyway (again), is anyone packaging these?  If not, I might be willing
> as soon as I get up to speed on current policy.  However, there are
> some packageing issues concerning them... For compilation, they both
> require the fvwm source (or at least part of it) be available.  How
> should this be handled?  FvwmCDEmulator can actually be patched into
> fvwm2's source tree and become a contrib module.  XFCE however just
> requires module.h from fvwm or fvwm2.

If it's only a header file or two they need, should we make an fvwm2-dev

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