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Some new packages

I wan't to compile and package some programms, in case someone is
already working on any of them, let me know.

- Uprise (my own work)
  Some screenshots can be seen on htpp://home.pages.de/~mrvn/moria3d/
- Almonbread (A fast fractal programm)
  + Package for the toolset Almonbread depends on.
- installation tools and HOWTO for Amiga.
- support for A4000 internal scsi device.
- support for CV64-3D (gfx board on Amiga)
- A patch that fixes to freeciv to use the original Civ-II gif file
  for its units (the user will have to have the original of cause).
  Much nicer gfx, preview on http://home.pages.de/~mrvn/freeciv/

May the source be with you.

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