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Re: Easier Solution: Documentation Policy

On Thu, 3 Jul 1997, Yann Dirson wrote:

> It WILL save some bandwidth consumption, when one wants to just
> install docs for a program to see if it fits one's needs, before
> eventually uploading and installing it. Or if one's just curious about
> "what does it do ?".
> I remind you (once again) that many people in Europe are *charged* for
> local phone calls

I am appreciative of this.  I am charged by my ISP by the hour.

However most of the major packages which come with documentation are
already split up this way.  Also, if you are in dselect, and doing your
package selection online, wouldnt the time you spend online picking out
just the packages you want be more than just downloading the docs?  I see
a point of diminishing returns here.

Don Dibos

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