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Re: new approach: Documentation Policy

On Thu, 3 Jul 1997, Federico Di Gregorio wrote:

> Just a question:
> 	Where do we put texinfo sources? (FSSTD experts?)

Hmm. What about /usr/doc/foo/texinfo/ ?

And there is more to define now: We'll have to find a unique way to
compile the texinfo manuals into ".info" and ".ps". I think there may be
some manuals out there, that do not come in a single ".texi" file. Since
/usr may be mounted read-only, we'll have to move the files somewhere else
to compile them. 

Any ideas?



--                  Christian Schwarz
                   schwarz@monet.m.isar.de, schwarz@schwarz-online.com
                  schwarz@debian.org, schwarz@mathematik.tu-muenchen.de
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