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Re: Vision of new installation method using webserver

Customarily it works in the following way:

You get the computer delivered from a hardware dealer who configures the
BIOS and burns in the Computer.

Then the stuff is handed over to the Unix Specialist (us). Usually you
only have to deal with BIOS issues if you change the hardware. If you
order it headless then the dealer can already configure the BIOS not to
require keyboard or video for bootup. They use some video board to
configure the machine I guess.

If you really need to do some changes to the BIOS later then you need of 
course to put a Video board back in. Compaq has a way around this with a
special BIOS in some of their servers. Never done this though but it seem
you can connect to the BIOS via a modem or Terminal.

On 30 Jun 1997, Karl M. Hegbloom wrote:

>>>>>> "Christoph" == Christoph Lameter <clameter@waterf.org> writes:
>    Christoph> Some more thoughts regarding the space issue: I think
>    Christoph> the amount of space required for such a system can even
>    Christoph> be smaller than a normal rescue disk.
>How do you configure the BIOS without a video board in a computer?
>Can you configure with one in, then pull it out and have it still

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