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Re: Installing XF86 3.3-1 crashed XEmacs 19.15-3

In article <[🔎] xe1n2orohin.fsf@maneki-neko.cygnus.com>,
	Mark Eichin <eichin@cygnus.com> writes:
> I've seen this reported elsewhere; if the xemacs maintainer has
> vanished, perhaps someone could grab the debian sources and rebuild a
> non-maintainer release using the 3.3 libs?  Or at least look into the
> problem? (Xemacs has more dependencies on X than emacs does -- the
> current emacs works fine with the 3.3 libs even though it was built
> against 3.2...)

I've never tried it with 19.15, but before I upgraded to debian I used
xemacs 19.14 with R6.3 (compiled with R6.1) quite happily, so either it's
something introduced in 19.15 or it's something that's been added to X after
the XC release of R6.3 (either a bug-fix to the X code itself or something
in one of the drivers I suppose).

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