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Re: thread support

Guenter Geiger <geiger@iem.mhsg.ac.at> writes:

> Yes, I've tried - that's how I came to this topic. 
> The problem is with the global errno variable. As Xlib does a lot of
> error checking using errno. After X encounters an error it checks what
> kind of error ocurred with errno and deals with it.
> It is possible that the "non X" thread resets the global errno
> variable between these two steps -- 
> Xlib signals unknown error ( with number 0 )  and exits.

That's not the only thing.  For example, if you don't define
-D_REENTRANT when compiling the X libs, they pick up macros for stdio
that are not thread safe, and can cause segfaults when X tries to
print things.


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