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Re: ssh and default home directory permissions (revisited?)

Rob Browning:
> I just got around to installing ssh so I could learn about it and
> start using it, and I noticed that when I set up one of my machines
> with a valid authorized_keys file and try to connect from another
> machine, I get refused for RSA authentication, and ssh falls back on
> passwords.  If I "chmod g-w ~", the problem vanishes.  ssh doesn't
> like group writable home directories, even though in the standard
> Debian scheme this isn't a problem.
> Should the default Debian home dir permissions be changed, should
> ssh be modified, or what?

FWIW, qmail has the same problem:

May 26 13:05:19 kite qmail: 864666319.069894 delivery 588: deferral:

See shy Jo.

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