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Re: virtual packages

On Sun, 25 May 1997, Christian Schwarz wrote:

> I fully agree to what Manoj said. Since the dotfile generator will
> probably get widely used by other packages we should put this package on
> our list of "public virtual packages". 
> Since I maintain this list, I suggest the following addition to section
> "Miscellaneous":
> dotfile-module             Anything that provides a module for the dotfile 
>                            generator
> Does someone have objections?

No objections, just a query:

what will this actually achieve?

Will dselect automatically select new packages providing dotfile-module
when they appear?

As far as I know, it won't - at least not if dotfile only Suggests
dotfile-module.....and even if it does do it for Recommends, the
behaviour of Recommends is obnoxious enough that it should NOT be used
in this situation.

the individual dotfile-modules should Depend upon dotfile but except
for the initial install of dotfile, i can't see much benefit at all in
having dotfile Suggest dotfile-module.


craig sanders
networking consultant                  Available for casual or contract
temporary autonomous zone              system administration tasks.

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