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Re: S: native english speaker to check some documentation

On Sat, 24 May 1997, Andreas Jellinghaus wrote:

| hy.
| i will write some documentation for some packages i'm maintaining.
| i'm no native english speaker, so someone should cross read it. the
| problem is not the content, but typos and unclear formulations etc.
| any help would be great.
| regards, andreas

I'd be willing to do this, or at least some of it, depending on how much
material there is.

Contact me with further information when you are ready.


David Welton   
davidw@efn.org  davidw@freenet.hut.fi  http://www.efn.org/~davidw
Se quest'email e` in Italiano, mi dispiace per gli errori:-) FORZA PANTANI!
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