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Re: dselect/diety audit trail

In article <[🔎] 199705230627.XAA13317@bittersweet.inetarena.com>,
	"Karl M. Hegbloom" <karlheg@inetarena.com> writes:

>  So do I.  It would make it a lot easier to do bug reports when things 
> fail at installation or upgrade time.

I agree, but I'm puzzled by what you chose for the subject line. This sort
of functionality belongs in dpkg, not dselect (I'm not sure whether the
current plan is for deity to replace just dselect or both, but the consensus
I got from the last time it came up was that there would be a libdpkg and
everything would be based on that, so presumably the audit trail would be
implemented at that level)

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