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Re: dpkg verify mode for security?

'Amos Shapira wrote:'
>I was asking over Linux-ISP about doing cleanup after breakins and got
>many "use tripwire" answers, and one which says that RPM has a verify
>mode which checks for files which were changed since they were
>installed.  Can the dpkg maintainers consider adding such a feature
>for Debian?

What does the rpm verify give you?  As far as I can tell it gives a
false sense of security.  Nothing more.  The rpm database is easily
hacked once root access is attained.

Tripwire or something similar is the only viable option.

Christopher J. Fearnley          |  Linux/Internet Consulting
cjf@netaxs.com                   |  Design Science Revolutionary
http://www.netaxs.com/~cjf       |  Explorer in Universe
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