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anyone want to package "jade"?

Given that we already have "sp" and a bunch of other sgml tools, it
would be nice if someone packaged jade as well -- since it has decent
conversion tools, as metioned below...

[from http://www.jclark.com/jade/]
What is Jade?

Jade is an implementation of the DSSSL style language. The current version is
0.7. This should be considered a beta test version.

Jade Copyright

Jade is licensed under the same terms as SP. This imposes almost no
restrictions even for commercial use.

Jade includes the following components:
[stuff elided, this is the bit I care about:]

   o A command-line application, jade, that combines the style engine with the
     spgrove grove interface and four backends:
        o A backend that generates an SGML representation of the flow object
          tree. The DTD for the SGML generated is in jade/fot.dtd.
        o A backend that generates RTF. This has been tested with Microsoft
          Word 97 and Microsoft's free Word Viewer 97. Previous versions were
          tested with Word 95 and Word Viewer 7.1.
        o A backend that generates TeX. Although the C++ part of this is
          almost complete, much work remains to be done on writing the TeX
          macros on which the generated TeX code depends. (This backend was
          contributed by David Megginson.)
        o A backend that generates SGML. This is used in conjunction with
          non-standard flow object classes to generate SGML, thus allowing
          Jade to be used for SGML transformations.

     The source is in the jade directory.

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