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Re: Bug#9813: rxvt 2.20-4 : Bad setting of TERM environ variable

In article <[🔎] 19970516112931.16377@tanglefoot.lunatech.com>,
	Bart Schuller <schuller@lunatech.com> writes:

> Also, I'd hope that if xterm now does color as standard, that fact is
> reflected in its terminfo entry.

No, because if you do that, programs like slrn will try to use colour, which
means they are almost impossible to read and leave you with silly colours 
like white on black when you quit. (on a vconsole, slrn's colours are easier 
and white on black is normal so it doesn't matter that that's what you get 
when you quit) If they (and presumably all slang programs) are fixed to do
something sensible with colours, then maybe.

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