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New files in the Debian archive for multi-architecture support.

	As Debian ports on non-i386 architectures progress, I think
there's a need to have lists of binary packages which are 'out for sync'
with their source package. Not only this will make the task of people
recompiling for non-i386 architectures easier, but some maintainers may
soon upload their packages with binaries for (say) sparc only and someone
will have to recompile for i386. 

	I suggest we add in the ftp archive the files
'doc/out-of-sync.{i386,sparc,...}' that are regenerated from a script
comparing the 'hamm/source' and 'hamm/binary-{i386,sparc,..}' trees. 

	What do other people working on non-i386 think?

	I'm going to begin to code it, unless someone stops me or already 
have such a script.


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