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Re: New section cdrom-able (?)

On Thu, 24 Apr 1997, Christian Schwarz wrote:

> I don't think this is worth the trouble. The non-free section is thought
> for packages that are not free according to our interpretation of "free".
> This does not mean that all programs in the section cannot be placed on a
> CD-ROM. Instead, the CD-ROM vendors can check all licenses of the programs
> in non-free and decide themselves if they want to include it or not.
> So if zip/unzip is not "free" just put it into non-free.

 Ok. The problem are the CDROM makers that don't take the time to do this,
they exclude the whole section. This is bad for Debian, because people
says: "Debian has no Java! RH does!"

 The other problem is the Packages.gz file. dselect would show packages
that aren't included in the CD.. You can't ask CDROM vendors to run

 I vote for having such a section...

Nicolás Lichtmaier.-

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