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LaTeX2HTML navigational icons placement


	I have a problem with deciding about the location of icon
 files for LaTeX2HTML, and could not find anything under any policy

	The problem is this: LaTeX2HTML optionally creates
 navigation bars at the top and bottom of converted pages; these
 navigation links use graphical icon files that are installed on the
 system when one installs LaTeX2HTML (Current location:

	There is problem with specifying the relative URL used to
 refer to these icons:

 case 1) The user looks at the converted file with a browser directly:
         % lynx /tmp/converted.html (or netscape /tmp/converted.html)
         The base URL is file://tmp/converted.html, so the relative url
         /usr/lib/latex2html/icons/up.gif is interpreted correctly as
 This, however, fails when we use a HTTP server (either locally or
 case 2) A http server is used to look at, say, 
        http://my.fqdn/converted.html, so the base URL is:
        http://my.fqdn/. The relative url
        /usr/lib/latex2html/icons/up.gif is interpreted  as
        http://my.fqdn/usr/lib/latex2html/icons/up.gif, which does not
        exist (since that would map to the file
        <Document Root>/usr/lib/latex2html/icons/up.gif

 The only solution I have been able to come up with is to create a
 directory hierarchy under the Document root directory such that the
 url http://my.fqdn/usr/lib/latex2html/icons/up.gif is also valid.

	This is ugly, but it would work transparently.

	My question is, can I depend on /var/www to be the Web
 Document Root? Is it OK to install such a directory (the webstandard
 seems to frown upon any package putting anything under the Document
 Root)? Can anyone suggest a better solution?

	I may also consider putting together a cgi-bin service package
 that would be invoked from a html file under the Document Root; and
 the same questions will arise for that as well.


 This is a serious lapse of taste and judgment but does not imply that
 they are stupid, lazy, or incompetent.  Indeed, their intelligence,
 diligence, and competence in service to the x86 are all too
 depressingly obvious. Henry Spencer (henry@zoo.toronto.edu)
Manoj Srivastava               <url:mailto:srivasta@acm.org>
Mobile, Alabama USA            <url:http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>

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