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Re: Can we upload binaries using libc6 to hamm yet?

David Engel wrote:

>> > - keep both at hand as .deb files, and install the one you need
>This is what I had intended.  Yes, I know it will be a pain to switch
>development environments between libc5 and libc6, but it will only be
>inflicted on developers.  That pain may also be a good thing in that
>it may encourage developers to concentrate on libc6.

So much for multiuser systems.  Having to build as root is bad enough;
breaking everybody else's compilations in the meantime is much worse.

>> You need a different gcc (or at least a different specs file) to
>> compile. At this time, the new gcc package does not support compiling
>> using libc5. This could be generated, however.
>This is not true.  You can use command-line options to get the new gcc
>to do the right thing.  In other words, we only need one gcc package.

But we need two debian/rules, right? 

Also, suppose I have foo-2.1-1 sources (bugfix), and I want to release
it to both frozen and unstable.

What naming convention should I use?  I can't very well upload two
foo_2.1-1_i386.changes and foo_2.1-1_i386.deb files simultaneously.
foo_2.1-1_i386-libc6.changes or .deb, maybe?

Or should I just release the libc5 version as foo_2.1-1, and the libc6
version as foo_2.1-2?  Argh.
Thomas Koenig, Thomas.Koenig@ciw.uni-karlsruhe.de, ig25@dkauni2.bitnet.
The joy of engineering is to find a straight line on a double
logarithmic diagram.

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