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Re: bash-isms in packages

On Apr 22, Justus Pendleton wrote
> recently i linked /usr/bin/zsh to /bin/sh and have a few comments as a
> result:
> o	why is /bin/sh provided by the bash package?  there are other
> shells that work just fine (or better in some respects) as /bin/sh

It is a well known situation that (nearly) all Linux systems use
the bash as sh. Why should we change that? What advantage does it
have when we would let other shell packages provide sh? Only to save
a few kB? The sh mode of bash (version 2) follows the POSIX standard.
Can we expect that from other shells (is the sh mode of zsh POSIX
compliant?)? IMHO it's better to have a standard sh which is the same
on all Linux systems.

> o	also, most debian/rules files also appear to make this assumption.
> they try to do something like
> command {x,y}
> which of course fails if any shell other than bash is /bin/sh.

If special bash features are used the files should use "#!/bin/bash"
instead of "#!/bin/sh".



 Peter Tobias                                EMail:
 Fachhochschule Ostfriesland                 tobias@et-inf.fho-emden.de
 Fachbereich Elektrotechnik und Informatik   tobias@debian.org
 Constantiaplatz 4, 26723 Emden, Germany     tobias@linux.de

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