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Re: XEmacs, Emacs and elisp

On 26 Feb 1997, Manoj Srivastava wrote:

> Hi,
> >> "Helmut" == Helmut Geyer <Helmut.Geyer@IWR.Uni-Heidelberg.De> 
> >> "Milan" == ilan Zamazal <pdm@blackbird.ics.muni.cz>
>  [A good discussion of the problems with supporting multiple Emacsen
>  on the same box partly elided]
>   vm-emacs
>   vm-xemacs
>   tm-emacs
>   tm-xemacs
> 	and so on, as being the only solution technically feasible in
>  the long run. It is cleaner, and the only con is disk space usage
>  (which maybe be the lesser evil compared to what we may face as the
>  elisp dialects continue to evolve apart).

Currently, most of the elisp files (except for some low-level ones) are 
compatible. Most developper prefer to check version and keep only one 
source for them. Compiled files are mostly compatible, only one or two 
functions aren't support by X-Emacs but this can grow up, especially with 
Mule who must add special characters support. Anyway, they're no promised 
on this side.

What I suggest is to have two standards distributions of (X&GNU)emacs 
with the same based components (that really mean to crippled the current 
upstream distribution of Xemacs) and distributing each package both in 
emacs and xemacs as suggest by manoj. We have also to find a way to share 
elisp files between the two, although I think we can let them 
configuration independant. May be a install-elisp utilities could be useful?

Any comments?

Again just my 2 pennies...

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