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Re: Should wg15 be splitted?

On Sun, 26 Jan 1997, Orn E. Hansen wrote:

> What of those countries that don't come with a message catalog for it?

Suggest those people to organize a GNU-translation team. :-)
If someone is going to do the translation, why not sendind it to the
upstream mantainer to see it included in the next release?

>   The problem is also, that maintainers will change the messages within
> those packages, without changing the catalogs.  This will render the
> translation of that particular message useless.  You can expect a
> maintainer to do some chainges to a package, to reflect the general
> stream for a distribution, but you can't expect a maintainer to do
> translation as well.
But we have people here from many different countries. I'm sure it
won't be too hard for the mantainer to send a mail to debian-i18n 
and receive the message translated to many if not all the different
languages supported in his package.

I expect such changes won't happen too often, so this can be a
simple solution.

Enrique Zanardi                                ezanardi@molec1.dfis.ull.es
Dpto. Fisica Fundamental y Experimental             http://www.dfis.ull.es
Univ. de La Laguna

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