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Re: Should wg15 be splitted?

  You didn't quite understand what I meant...

  First, the policy of GNU is amendable... not all countries are represented

  Second, if you take a look at Debian package format, you will see that
each source package has a *.diff file with it.  This is the difference
between the original source, and the Debian release.   The Debian does need
to change the sources to  have it fit into the distribution.

  If you change, just ONE character in a displayed text... the entire
translation for that text, is thereby USELESS.  And will not display.  The
translation scheme DEPENDS on the text being unchanged.  Maintainers will
need to change the code, and the text displayed with it... but you can't
expect them to do translations... nor do I think you can expect the GNU
community to do Debian specific translation.

  Upstream, each translation needs to be maintained... for the above
reason.  To make certain that the translated text, is the same as that in
the code.  If you want to have support for your language under Debian, and
have these translation... you'll basically need the same for Debian.  The
job needed is of course much smaller, than upstream... but maintennance is

  And last, not least... you are likely to have a country representative
in a distribution, that is not represented in any translations.  Not a long
time ago, there was someone here from Brasil, there is no translation nor
a keyboard layout for Brasil.  If the person is enthusiastic, (s)he will
make the changes necessary for his/her country... according to the
distribution (s)he has.  If debian wellcomes such changes, it will thereby
open a new market for its distribution...

Ørn Einar Hansen                         oe.hansen@halmstad.mail.telia.com
                                    fax; +46 035 217194

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