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Re: Upcoming Debian Releases

> > * No bug reports older than 12 months at release time (bcwhite@verisim.com)
> This is still debatable - some bugs are more serious than others.  Many are
> requests for enhancements: these should be exempt from the 12 months limit.

I never said otherwise.  People with such bug reports can do one of
several things:

1) Mark it as "forwarded" -- This should be done for any "bug" that is
   beyond the responsibility of the maintainer, which almost all feature
   requests will be.  Of those that are not, most will be small enhance-
   ments that can easily be done within a few months.  There are a few
   exceptions to both of these cases, but they cover the large majority.

2) Mark it as "done" and keep a local copy -- As it is not truely a bug,
   it could be removed from the tracking system and kept on a local "todo"

3) Tell me (politely) that it is a feature request -- I'll remove it from
   the critical list.  Once every three months it will be added again, but
   one simple email and I'll remove it again.  I don't think a reminder
   every three months that there is an outstanding bug report is too much
   of a concern.
                                 ( bcwhite@verisim.com )
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