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cfgtool and non-script configuration (was Re: Upcoming Debian Releases)

On Jan 14, bcwhite@verisim.com (Brian C. White) wrote:
> * Move config information from install scripts to "cfgtool" (???)

While it's fairly obvious how to do this when the configuration
information is 'normally' imbedded in a shell script, there are
other cases.  Consider cern-httpd. The config file is read by the
daemon, with no shell processing. The way I've thought about implementing
this is to have a base configuration file, with placeholders for the
various configurable variables. The httpdconfig program would let
the user set the variables, store the info in the cfgtool database,
and then regenerate the config file from the base config file. I'm
not real happy about this for a couple of reasons:

1. If the config file is modified by hand, then the changes will be
lost the next time httpdconfig is run (this is true now, but I still
don't like it).

2. If the user modified the cfgtool database directly (which should
work, and does for script based configuration), the changes don't
propagate until the httpdconfig program is run.

3. It all seems too disconnected -- two files, and two programs, and
no obvious connection between them.

Anybody have any better ideas about this?

Steve Greenland

The Mole - I think, therefore I scream 

		"...Somehow... the idea of a mouse, with lipstick and
		 eyelashes and a dress with high-heeled shoes; a mouse ten
		 times bigger than the biggest RAT... this idea has always
		 made me sick!"
[Darnold Duck, in Harvey Kurtzman and Bill Elder's brilliant Disney satire 
 Mickey Rodent]

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