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Re: elf-x11r6lib? (was: Revised Virtual Package Names List)

Christian Schwarz writes:
> As you stated above, you want to fix this list. But on which package
> should a package `depend' that uses the standard x11r6 (elf) libs?
> If I remember right, Guy said that elf-x11r6lib has to be used, but this
> is not on your list. Which one should I use?

Guy writes:
> The programmer's manual says to use elf-x11r6lib.  I remember that
> Stephen E. said that we should now use xlib6.  I'm sure he'll retain
> downward compatibility by continuing to provide elf-x11r6lib in xlib6,
> so elf-x11r6lib is a safe bet.

The programmer's manual doesn't say to use elf-x11r6lib (at least, not any
more, as far as I can tell).  It does have one reference to elf-x11r6lib,
but it is just used in an example (which probably should be changed to refer
to xlib6 at some stage).  The policy manual mentions xlib6, but not

Stephen E. and I both agree that xlib6 should be used from now on (unless
somebody can make a good case otherwise?).  On the other hand, it is
reasonable to expect that elf-x11r6lib be provided at least until all
packages in the unstable release have been updated to depend on xlib6
instead.  Basically, if you're releasing a new version of a package, please
use xlib6 in preference, but there's no need to rush out and release a new
version to fix this "problem" just yet.  I'll post more on which packages
might need to be updated shortly, when I post the version of the list with
the revised X stuff in it.


Warwick Harvey                                    email: warwick@cs.mu.OZ.AU
Department of Computer Science                        phone: +61-3-9344-9171
University of Melbourne                                 fax: +61-3-9348-1184
Parkville, Victoria, AUSTRALIA 3052     web: http://www.cs.mu.OZ.AU/~warwick

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