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Re: Proposal: A config file for runlevels (DRAFT)

According to Winfried Truemper:
> On Wed, 1 Jan 1997, Miquel van Smoorenburg wrote:
> > But. Everybody and his dog uses it. Why do we have to be incompatible with
> > that. If you do want that, fine. But then also get rid of all config files
> > in /etc, put that in a registry, and don't call it Unix.
> Your comment indicates that emotions and illusions are driving the
> discussion not technical considerations. This is quite usal if one breaks
> with common practice - especially if people are proud of having understand
> this complicated practice (without critical reflection). So I don't take
> it personal.

No, that isn't the case. Actually I'm all *for* creating something new -
but then a whole new system. Either one uses the proven solution- or
you create something entirely new. It would be great to have a Linux
distribution that works like win95 from a users point of view, with no /etc
but a registry, which comes up in X and has _one_ standard window manager.

   Miquel van      | Cistron Internet Services   --    Alphen aan den Rijn.
   Smoorenburg,    | mailto:info@cistron.nl          http://www.cistron.nl/
miquels@cistron.nl | Our vision is to speed up time, eventually eliminating it.

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