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Re: Uploaded tracker 4.3-3 (source i386) to master

[ Please don't Cc: me when replying to my message on a mailing list. ]

Kai Henningsen:
> Maybe I'm not understanding something right here. But I seem to recall  
> that the idea was that undocumented.7 says "there already is a bug report"  
> (which is why the link should only appear after a bug report), and so the  
> bug report should _not_ be closed.
> Right? Wrong?

Right. Policy manual, 3.2.1:

	If no manual page is available for a particular program,
	utility or function and this is reported as a bug
	on debian-bugs, a symbolic link from the requested
	manual page to the undocumented(7) manual page should
	be provided. This symbolic link can be created from
	debian/rules like this:

	ln -s ../man7/undocumented.7 \

      | This manpage claims that the lack of a manpage has been
      | reported as a bug, so you may only do this if it really
      | has (you can report it yourself, if you like). Do not
      | close the bug report until a proper manpage is available.

	You may forward a complaint about a missing manpage
	to the upstream authors, and mark the bug as forwarded
	in the Debian bug tracking system. Even though the GNU
	Project do not in general consider the lack of a manpage
	to be a bug, we do - if they tell you that they don't
	consider it a bug you should leave the bug in our bug
	tracking system open anyway.

Bug reports for missing manual pages should not be closed until
there is a proper manual page, possibly one that is provided by
Debian. It doesn't have to be complete, but it should contain
at least the following:

	* name and purpose of program
	* command line syntax (options)
	* where the proper documentation is, and what its name is
	* that the manual page is not part of upstream version

This way, the page is at least somewhat useful to someone using
man. undocumented(7) is not particularly useful.

Most of the text in such a small manual page is boilerplate.
Do we have a template already (should probably be part of the
man package, or possibly dpkg-dev)?

Please read <http://www.iki.fi/liw/mail-to-lasu.html> before mailing me.
Please don't Cc: me when replying to my message on a mailing list.

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