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Bug#5014: diald won't do what I want

> > In other words, I "never" want diald to hang up the phone.
> And why do you think that "impulse" has anything to do with that? As I  
> understand it, "impulse" is meant for people (like me) who have to pay by  
> the minute (or some other time quantity), where you want to take down the  
> line - as long as it is idle - just before your time quantum runs out.
> Doesn't sound similar to your situation.

The diald manual page states that impulse is used to keep the line up
for some duration, to save on line charges.

The current behavior of impulse will unnecessarily bring up the line
-- this will *increase* line charges.  This implies that the current
behavior is not the intended behavior.

Or, perhaps you're saying that if you're charged in 15 minute
impulses, and you make 5 calls in that interval, then they all get
charged as if they were a single 15 minute call?  In that case,
impulse is working correctly, and there is no bug.

> Anyway, "impulse" seems to work just fine for me. And from your  
> description, I don't quite understand what goes wrong for you.
> You said something about the line going active "by itself". Are you  
> *certain* it's not because, say, a demon tries to contact a DNS server?  
> You might try to run tcpdump to see what packets are forcing the  
> connection back up. Or was it some other problem?

Here's what happens:

I set my impulse up for a long time (say, one month).  I bring up the
line.  I let the system sit idle for a few hours.  I verify that the
line is inactive by watching the modem lights.  I disconnect the
modem.  I see messages in the log indicating that diald is trying to

Aside: I have this line in /etc/syslog, to make it trivial to monitor
messages without any unnecessary system activity:
auth.*;daemon.*;mail.*;news.crit;news.err;news.notice;*.=debug;*.=info;*.=notice;*.=warn;cron.none	|/dev/tty9

I first performed this experiment on a laptop which had no networking
daemons running (and, with no users logged in).  If diald didn't have
the impulse command in place, it would not bring up the line, even if
I left it idle for several days.


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