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Bug#5201: news -n prints garbage

> Thanks for the patch, but it is not acceptable, because it uses proprietary
> extensions to the C language.  When providing patches please stick with
> ANSI-C and POSIX 1003.1.

Yes, I replaced sprintf with snprintf which is a lot safer (news is
not setuid - but it runs as root when expiring old news from a cron
job, and not only root might be able to create files in /var/news, so
I don't want to take chances).  snprintf already exists in Linux libc,
GNU libc and *BSD - I wish it was made a "real" standard...

BTW, for systems that don't have it, a portable version of snprintf
(without floating point support) comes with XFree86-3.2 (was needed
to fix the infamous libXt buffer overrun).


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