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Case Study for new webstandards in WN

I have debianized WN a GNU backed Webserver and tried to see what the
issues with having /usr/lib/httpd would be. 
(WN is nice because it is running real fast from inetd.conf - one thing
that I could not get with the ncsa server. WN seems to be the perfect
server for a Workstation setup. Also includes search abilities)

The special thing about WN is that it needs two files in each directory

index		=> Description of access rights.
index.cache	=> Lookup file generated from index

Thus the cgi-bin cannot be symlinked to /usr/lib/httpd/cgi-bin. Each file
must be symlinked on its own.

Here is a fragment of the postinst to build a symlink tree for the
/usr/lib/httpd/* directories of WN in /var/wn:

# Set up hierachies if they are not there already
for i in in cgi-bin icons html; do
        if [ ! -d /var/wn/$i -a -d /usr/lib/httpd/$i ]; then
                echo "Creating directory /var/wn/$i from /usr/lib/httpd/$i"
                mkdir /var/wn/$i
                ln -s /usr/lib/httpd/$i/* /var/wn/$i
                cd /var/wn/$i
                rm -f index
                echo "Attribute=serveall" >index
                echo "Indexing /var/wn/$i"

Perhaps we could have some script coming with "http-base" or so that would
install a script that keeps the symlinks in order. That script would be
called from any tool installing itself in /usr/lib/httpd/X

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