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Simpler Webproposal

1. There is Web ROM space below /usr/lib/web.

2. Webservers need to provide some means of mapping the ROM space into
   the real server root so that the ROM space can be accessed by
   http://host/<ROM space relative filename>.
   The webservers are free to use whatever features they have for this
   purpose (Aliases, Symlinks, Searchpaths ...). If possible the
   webservers should provide means to override files in ROM and provide
   exclusions for parts of ROM from access.

3. Webtools should invoke a server dependant script "update-web" after
   changing any files in /usr/lib/web to give the server a chance
   to update links + indexes. (This mean calling update-web in
   postinst and postrm for any web tool).

4. References to the real server root should be avoided by webtools.
   If a real server root is needed then /var/web should be used.

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