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Re: dpkg-buildpackage problem: diff fails if images changes.

Christoph Lameter wrote:
> On Thu, 31 Oct 1996, Fabrizio Polacco wrote:
> fpolacco >But if I modify the source I have to change the upstream
> fpolacco > version number, which is not a great thing.
> You have a Debian Release number which should be incremented not the
> upstream version number.

If I understand well the manuals, for upstream sources packages we have 
_only_ <package>_<upstream-version>.orig and _not_
<package>_<upstream-version>-<debian-release>.orig , because
<debian-release> is reserved to the debianized source.

I used the <debian-release> number in the upstream source name and I had
the uploads rejected because the <debian-release> number disappeared
(maybe by dpkg-source) from the source name and it, obviously,
conflicted with the previous upload.

I made my changes only in the debianized tree, but, because the files
involved were images and not text, 'diff' complained for that and
dpkg-buildpackage stopped. So I thought that I have to move these
changes up to the upstream source (ough!) or I have to change the format
of the images in the upstream sources to text contents uuencoding them.

In both cases I have modified the upstream source contents directly
inside the .orig tree!
What else can I do? Or have I missed a way to handle non-text diffs?

| e-mail: fpolacco@megabaud.fi    fpolacco@debian.org         |
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