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Re: Ordering package install (was: Problem to upgrade (perl). (fwd))

On 29 Dec 1996, Manoj Srivastava wrote:

> Hi guys,
> 	I'm working on a tool that reads an Packages file, creates a
>  directed graph of dependencies, and writes out an order to install
>  the packages in (a topographical sort, which does circular dependency
>  detection as a bonus).  This can, then, be used by other tools that
>  take a currently available deb files list, and do useful stuff like
>  feed the list, in order, to dpkg, or to compile and install a full
>  source tree. I'm prototyping in perl5, but may switch to C++ if perl
>  turns out to be too slow. (Also, I need to practice atrophying C++
>  skills).
> 	If anyone else is working on similar tools, please drop me a
>  line. Unfortunately, with a new job requiring travel, the time I
>  spend on this is highly fragmented.
This is great! I could use this in conjunction with DoList to very good
effect. I am also looking to convert DoList to C (it's currently a perl
script also).
I would be more than a little interested in working with you on this. It
should only take a little more work to take a sub-list (from a menu
interface) and validate the dependencies, adding necessary packages to
satisfy the dependencies and feed it to DoList.

Stay in touch,


------------                                          --------------

aka   Dale Scheetz                   Phone:   1 (904) 877-0257
      Flexible Software              11000 McCrackin Road
      e-mail:  dwarf@polaris.net     Tallahassee, FL  32308

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