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Re: About using Linuxconf


At 11:45 AM 12/26/96 +0900, Richard G. Roberto wrote:
>Is it possible to write "empty" dropin files?  I mean just
>comments with examples?  It would also be very nice to have a
>utility to create dropin files from the standard config/startup
>stuff (this would be different for each system element under
>linuxconf control of course).  It would be even better to have a
>utility that could convert dropin files back to "conventional"
>style control/config/startup files.  Perhaps this could be a
>separate package?  linixconf-utils?

I don't understand, I thought we would just use the regular init.d scripts
for starting and stoping even under linuxconf.  A script would be nice to
set up a basic dropin, but it should be modified by the maintainer to take
full advantage of linuxconf.  Also, I just realized, that many
postint/prerm scripts wills have to updated b/c in reality if we have
linuxconf installed we want linuxconf to start and stop the daemons, even
though the scripts would do the samething, just so we don't make linuxconf
go bonkers.
This shouldn't be that hard just have a 
if [ -x /usr/sbin/linuxconf (or whatever) ]

        do linuxconf's stop command for drop in
        /etc/init.d/packagename stop

>I'd be interested in working on such a utility with you if bourne
>shell or perl would be sufficient.  I don't know enough about it
>to say whether or not we could create a generalized tool for this
>or if it would need to handle each "dropin" explicitly.  The
>former is preferred :-)

I was actuallt thinking that this would be a good feature to put in debmake
if we are actually going to make linuxconf a major part of the
distribution, not just an extra item (optional, but still major).  However,
it shouldn't be hard to make a simple script that just drops that path
names for start and stop into the dropin and has the maintainer fix the
rest.  B/c we can have the dropin for inetd monitor /etc/inetd.conf and
/etc/services and if either gets changed it will restart itself.

(sorry, I'm a little out of it, I have a MAJOR talmud test sometime next
week and all I have been thinking about are the Talmudic commentaries :-).)


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