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Re: Kernel dependencies

>This is similar to the module stuff, but is more aimed at dependencies
>like "this works for kernel versions 1.3.67 - 2.0.15 and 2.1.0 - 2.1.7".

Actually, it might be even more complicated than that. For example, my "safe"
image is the same kernel version, 2.0.27, but compiled with no module support,
everything I need is statically linked. This is to prevent that I can't boot
if modprobe and friends fail or can't find the modules for some reason.

So I had to modify the config scripts in the modules package so that they 
decide whether or not to link modules based on the output of 'uname -a',
because 'uname -r' would not be enough to decide.

So, it is very difficult for the Debian dependencies to cover all possible 
situations. I think that what is needed is a way for a sysadmin to register
the kernel they install (whether provided by Debian or homemade) and all the
info associated with that particular kernel, which more or less is the
".config" file used to build it.

For example, people might want to keep the same kernel version,
but one compiledwith forwarding support and the other as a standalone.

I don't think there is a correct solution without parsing the ".config" file.

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