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Re: BS versus DEL (was: I18N for Debian 1.3?)

> > The current setup under X is close, except that the "delete" key returns the
> > same code as the "backspace" key.
> I also had to add something to ~/.emacs file to get xemacs straightened
> out on this issue.

Currently, I just avoid the "delete" key under X.  Emacs behaves the same
whether it is in its own window or an xterm.

> > The setup on the console already matches the suggested behavior.
> It's been quite a while since I installed debian and had to deal with this
> issue, so I don't remember if I encountered any problems with text-mode
> apps.

Same here, though I do recall that the "delete" key worked (deleted character
under the cursor) under emacs on the console.

> What you're saying, though, is that currently, programs running in the
> console treat BS and DEL as two different keys, while programs running
> under X treat BS and DEL the same. That's very inconsistent. Instead of
> pleasing one side or the other, It seems that debian pleases no one
> here. Shouldn't this be cleaned up, one way or the other?

I prefer to say that programs running on the console treat the "backspace"
key and the "delete" key in different ways while programs running under X
treat the "backspace" key and the "delete" key the same.  This keeps the
distiction between the physical keys on the keyboard and the ASCII codes
often used to represent them.

Other than that, I agree that it is inconsistant.  I, for one, would like
to be able to use the "delete" key in emacs under X.

> I was also suggesting that apps be configured to recognize page up, page
> down, home, and end, where possible. IIRC, there are several that don't.

That would also be great!  Emacs handles these just fine on both the console
and X, so I don't notice it much.
                                 ( bcwhite@verisim.com )
     It's not the days in your life, but the life in your days that counts.

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