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Re: X Configuration Interface for Debian

'Guy Maor wrote:'
>Regarding your configuration tool, package installation and package
>configuration are seperate problems.  I think the easiest way to make
>the former easier for novices is by doing two things:
>1. Create meta-packages.  Meta-packages are packages which don't
>really contain anything in them but just have dependencies on several
>different packages.  For example, a meta-package called
>"development-machine" might depend on gcc, binutils, *-dev, and any
>other packages you would need installed to program.

This isn't the answer.  In the current dselect you'd still have to
scroll through 711+ packages (rex only!) and the priority/section
control lines in order to find the "development-machine" package and
select it for installation.  A better solution is to enable high-level
selections (including "meta-packages") in dselect's library.

Christopher J. Fearnley            |    Linux/Internet Consulting
cjf@netaxs.com, cjf@onit.net       |    UNIX SIG Leader at PACS
http://www.netaxs.com/~cjf         |    (Philadelphia Area Computer Society)
ftp://ftp.netaxs.com/people/cjf    |    Design Science Revolutionary
"Dare to be Naive" -- Bucky Fuller |    Explorer in Universe

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