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Re: Debian package scripts

> * There should be a separate functionality for package update.
>   The act of upgrading a package is fundamentally different from
>   removing it and deciding to install it again later.

You can check on arguments given to these scripts, if $1 = upgrade for example
> * Four separate scripts may be required.  On average, this wastes 512
>   bytes of disk space per script due to internal fragmentation.
>   Scripts are run very infrequently and thus could be combined in a
>   single script, (also possibly sharing some code between functions).

good point but, 

> I therefore propose that a new type of package maintenance script be
> created, "<name>.maint", where arguments define the position in the
> processing:
>   * before/after initial installation
>   * before/after final removal
>   * before/after removal in the update/upgrade process
>   * before/after installation in the update/upgrade process
>   * ???
> Some of these will be equivalent in many packages, but the finer
> granularity would be good.
> Older packages could continue to use the four separate scripts for a
> while, but I think it's clear that using a single script will help
> save space, help reuse code, and offer the opportunity to add new
> functionality without adding new scripts.  /var/lib/dpkg/info is
> getting a bit crowded too.

it will be quite a piece of work to implement
it won't be very easy to do manual parts of the installation because
one has to give the script the proper arguments


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