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Re: Web Standards version 2.3

From: Fabrizio Polacco <fpolacco@megabaud.fi>
>>|"http://<hostname>/auto/doc . The WWW server must treat this
>>|as read-only space, and must not write files under this directory.

> The server can't, but dpkg can. Ian's suggestion to put in each package a
> fragment of the index can be considered.

I think it's a good idea for each package to build an index.html for its
/usr/doc directory, with relative links for its documents. "dwww" can
get the name of the package from the directory, and the description from
whatever comes between <title> and </title> in the Index.html . For
example, the "netbase" package can contain an index.html with
something like <title>Basic Networking Utilities</title>.


Bruce Perens K6BP

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