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Re: Using linuxconf

On Sat, 26 Oct 1996, Shaya Potter wrote:

> I just emailed the maintianer of linuxconf, asking him a few          
> questions about, as in how difficult a port to debian would be? I     
> hope I wasn't stepping out to far. But from what i was able to see,   
> linuxconf isn't just a program, it a whole daemon based system.       
> (oh, it also solves the problem of needing a webserver, b/c it's web
> based mode is an inetd.conf service)

Yeah, I looked through the linuxconf web pages again yesterday.  it looks
like a reasonable system - definitely some good ideas.  BUT the big problem
with it is that to ge it to work with debian we'd have to completely change
the way the system boots up.

I think that would be a big mistake - sysvinit & the /etc/init.d &
/etc/rc* directories are a vast improvement over the simplistic methods
used in slackware. We've got something that works, and works well - it
would be foolish to break that.

converting over to linuxconf would be a lot of work for many maintainers
(every package which needed a boot time script would have to be
changed), and we'd have a system which didn't work properly for months
until things settled down after the massive change.

In short, we'd gain something but we'd lose a lot.

IMO, it's much better to extract the good ideas from linuxconf and other
similar projects and create something designed from the start to integrate
with the way debian works.  We want something that makes it easier for
novices to administer our present system, not something which replaces it. 


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