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First pass at GnuStep under Debian [pthreads]

Ok-- I applied the required patch to the debianized version of the gcc source... unfortunately, it wouldn't build because it uses  

Under Debian, /usr/include/pthread.h requires _MIT_POSIX_THREADS to be  
defined to do anything useful.  Equally as unfortunate, it appears that the  
_MIT_POSIX_THREADS package that is included with debian isn't current or  
isn't compatible with 'normal' pthreads?  At least, when I attempted to  
build python 1.4 with threading support, the MIT_POSIX_THREADS package  
caused python to consistently crash-- I don't know why.

Anyway, I need a more conformat implementation of pthreads [likely] to  
build gcc w/the thread support patch.  Has anyone done any work on a  
more recent release of pthreads?  Or, can someone correct my ignorance such  
that I can correctly use what is installed?


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