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Floppy Distribution??? Yuck!

Why would we want to go to all the Major work of splitting each and every
package into small floppy sized chunks?  This is a LOT of work.  I
personally like CDs! They are small, portable, reliable, and unlike
floppies they hold a LOT of stuff.  At school, when a HPUX workstation
dies, you don't see the sys-admin lugging about hundreds of floppy disks! 
He takes the nice external SCSI cd drive, plugs it into the sick machine,
and fixes things from the latest HPUX cd.  I just checked, at 
http://web2.pc-today.com/launchpad.html a site that lists products, costs,
and vendors, and the cheapest 1.44 meg floppy drives here in the USA cost
$21.  By comparison, a new 4 speed CD drive will cost you $40.  There are
probably lots of places that would be happy to PAY people to just take
their old 2 speed drives out of their warehouses.  I think having some boot
floppies is fine, although I would prefer ONE boot floppy that boots from a
live ro file-system on a CD, and uses that for installation.  I think
converting the whole distribution to floppies would be silly.  I am
especially encouraged by the rumors that Cheap*Bytes may release a Debian
CD.  If they do anything like they did for Slackware 3.1, or RedHat 4.0, we
may be able to get it for $2.00 US.  How much do 100 floppies cost?

Erik B. Andersen         Web:    http://www.et.byu.edu/~andersee/ 
2485 South State St.     email:  andersee@et.byu.edu
Springville, Ut 84663    phone:  (801) 489-1231
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