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Re: The xaw95 package and XFree86-3.1.2G

Hugo HAAS writes:
> I installed the xaw95 package two weeks ago, and it didn't worked. I
> finally understood why. In fact, the current installation works fine when
> you have XFree86 3.1.2, but it doesn't work anymore when you have a beta
> version. 

You mean a complete X release as beta?

As for your patch I think it's a very bad idea. The Debian packages must
take care of other Debian packages, not of any software you might have
installed on your own. 

Once a new version of xlib (with libXaw.so.6.1) comes out it may break
Xaw95 (and I suppose it'll also break Xaw3d). This has to be solved by
package dependencies in the control file, but not by a hack like this.

Michael Meskes                   |    _____ ________ __  ____
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