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Re: cfgtool 1.0 -- alea iacta est

> What do you mean, you don't know if this is a great idea? It's an amazing
> idea! It'd provide a painless way to manage a set of identical Debian
> boxes. I'm sure the sysadmin of my EE dept. (where I'm finishing up
> installed Debian on 20 Pentiums) will drool at the mere thought of
> it.

As a suggestion, you should probably take a good look at "cfengine" if
have not already.  We maintain about half a dozen Debian boxes with it
and it's a godsend!

Once the packages are installed, and the cvs repository mounted, it's
just a matter of typing "/etc/cron.daily/cfengine" to fully configure
the entire system.  It takes a while to set everything up, but well
worth it once you do!
                                 ( bcwhite@verisim.com )
 the difference between theory and practice is less in theory than in practice

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