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Bug#4759: install-mime --remove doesn't work anymore

Package: mime-support
Version: 2.04-1

[note, you could just as easy take xpdf or ghostview or probably any other
package using install-mime]

install-mime --remove --package=gv 
yields the following answer:
   Can't call method "A" without a package or object reference at 
   /usr/sbin/install-mime line 515.
install-mime --install --package=gv ....
doesn't work anymore either.
As this worked with earlier versions (at least 2.03-1) several postrm/prerm
scripts aren't working anymore with this version.
I'm not familiar with perl, so I can't say where the problems come from.


Helmut Geyer                                Helmut.Geyer@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de
public PGP key available :         finger geyer@kalliope.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de

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