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Re: Applications menu for Fvwm

> Some people will prefer rxvt or something else to xterm. The command
> should be like this:
> 	install-fvwm2menu --install My-Apps/Tools my-lynx none 'Lynx' \
> 		'Exec ${XTERMNAME:-xterm} -e lynx'

I'm having difficulties getting this to work. I tried applying it to my
dungeon package. My postinst script adds a line like this to menus.dat:

Apps/Games dungeon none "Dungeon" Exec ${XTERMNAME:-xterm} -e /usr/games/dungeon

And this line gets added to the Apps/Games menu in menudefs.hook:

+ "Dungeon" Exec ${XTERMNAME:-xterm} -e /usr/games/dungeon

But when I restart fvwm, I don't get that menu entry. Fvwm doesn't report
any errors either.

If I change the line in menudefs.hook to the following, it works fine:

+ "Dungeon" Exec xterm -e /usr/games/dungeon

I'm using fvwm2-2.0.43-BETA-0.

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$_=reverse lc$_;s@"@''@g;y/[]{A-Y}<>()a-y1-9,!.?`'/][} #         Joey Hess
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