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Re: tcsh package

Lars Wirzenius <liw@iki.fi> wrote:
>After /usr/local has first been created during the first
>installation, packages should leave it alone. We make an small
>exception to packages that create /usr/local/lib/emacs/site-lisp
>and similar directories, but that's not an excuse for more
>exceptions. (And IMHO we shouldn't do even that, but I'm in a
>minority on that one.)

A minority of at least two. :-) Emacs should be smart enough to
detect that the directory doesn't exist, and not fail as a result
(I don't know if it does or doesn't, as I don't use Emacs - I
don't have the disk space to spare. If it doesn't, it should -
hell, it'd only be another 1 or 2k code maximum; compared with
the 20 or 30MB it already takes up... :-)

I have to agree on this one - any sysadmin that tries to set a
user's shell to /usr/local/bin/tcsh using chsh should get a
warning to the effect that it's not in /etc/shells; any sysadmin
that sets a user's shell by editting /etc/passwd deserves anything
and everything that s/he gets :-)

/usr/local is just that - local. Anything and everything going in
there should be put there by the sysadmin. (I use it to store
programs that I haven't Debianised, and haven't got time to
Debianise - Eli is a case in point.) If there are only Debian
packages on the system, you should see the following:

# ls -a /usr/local
.   ..

Nothing more.

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