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Re: The PCMCIA and kernel packages

>>>>> "Manoj" == Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@pilgrim.umass.edu> writes:

    Manoj> 	Right.  Hmmm.  You also need to know who is going to
    Manoj> sign the modules produced (and is unlikely to be the
    Manoj> primary maintainer for the module, espescially since all
    Manoj> the modules have different maintainers anyway ;-)

    Manoj> 	So, I need to send in the name of the person running
    Manoj> the kernel build, to be used in the dchanges pgp=XXX
    Manoj> option.

Good point.

    Manoj> 	Also, (this is a user interface issue), where should
    Manoj> the finished module files be produced by the target kdist*
    Manoj> in the module's debian.rules?

    Manoj>  (1) /usr/src/module-X-$(KVERS)_$(version)_$(arch).deb ?
    Manoj> 	or in 
    Manoj>  (2) $(KSRC)/../module-X-$(KVERS)_$(version)_$(arch).deb?

    Manoj> 	Also, all the resulting packages will be in one place
    Manoj> if we use option (2) above, and allows the user to dictate
    Manoj> where the files are ceated, to an extent. In the default
    Manoj> case, KSRC=/usr/src/linux, and everything *will* be created
    Manoj> into /usr/src/, but we are not locked into that directory.

I agree that no (2) sounds like the best choice for maximum flexibility.

    Manoj> 	Have I missed any other information that might be
    Manoj> needed by the modules?

I can't think of anything right now.  If I come up with any more as
I'm working on the pcmcia package, I'll let you know.

    Manoj> 	Hmm.  This proposal should probably be gathered
    Manoj> together and put into a coherent document, destined
    Manoj> ultimately to be put into
    Manoj> /usr/doc/debian/package-developer/ or something like that,
    Manoj> after its blessed by Brian/Simon/Bruce/Ian. (I've saved the
    Manoj> last few messages, thankfully).



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